Achieve Your High School Success- Action Plan – Mentor

What does success in high school mean to you?

Take a few minutes at your table and discuss what this means to you, and write your answer down below. 

Is it earning a 4.0 GPA? 

Getting elected class president? 

Simply being happy and generally successful? 

Getting accepted to college?

Success might look different for every student, but the tools for achieving it are generally the same. 

Below you will see ten things that successful high school students do to ensure they are prepared for college. Doing these ten things will not only help you to become a successful high school student, but a successful college student, and career professional. Lay the foundation now for the mindset and work habits necessary to succeed in high school, and it will be easier to continue through college, and then when you begin your career.  

Talk through all 11 of these things with your mentor and then set one goal for yourself in each one of these categories.